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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
6144Composr advocacy and fundingGeneral / Uncategorisedpublic2025-02-02 15:59
ReporterPDStig Assigned ToPDStig  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary6144: Re-brand Composr CMS and several of its sub-systems
DescriptionThe name "Composr" is not leading us much market traffic on search engines. Additionally, it is too close to the name "Composer" which is a popular PHP repository.

As such, we need a different name for the CMS. It was proposed we re-brand back to ocPortal. This is a good potential because there are no companies or software to my knowledge with a similar name. Furthermore, SEO still has ocPortal still pretty far up in ranks from sites that still list us as ocPortal.

Additionally, the following must be re-named as well to improve our chances of coming up in search engines:
 - Comcode (there is a company and site by this name)
 - Tempcode (this is an online code editor)
 - Selectcode (too similar to SelectCoder)
 - Filtercode (too similar to Moodle's FilterCodes module)
 - Conversr (this is a name of a software company)
 - Anything else we find which is "unique" to Composr but actually exists out in the wild already

Additionally, once we re-brand, we should purchase domain names of the same names and have them re-direct to the homesite.
Additional InformationThis is a v12 project
TagsRisk: Major rearchitecting , Roadmap: Over the horizon
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Adam Edington

2025-02-02 07:11

administrator   ~9797

I always thought the leap to Composr was a strange one. Then the renaming of the addons to match the name change was also weird (to me). If ocPortal is getting better results than Composr it seems likes the obvious choice to revert to that. However, Tempcode returns the Composr tutorial when I search for it. I rarely search for the other terms, and a reorganising of the tutorials to remove the deadweight would give me less reason to ever search for Filtercode, Selectcode, etc. so I'm not sure that the components must be renamed but reverting the name to ocPortal seems to be a no brainer.


2025-02-02 15:59

administrator   ~9798

To clarify:

ocPortal is not getting better results than Composr when comparing the two strictly; Composr obviously gets more results since that's the active name for the CMS. But ocPortal still shows up since it's the old name, and some sites still have not updated our name.

What I mean is that, if I do a search of Composr and compare the placement of Composr CMS relative to other things, and do the same for searching ocPortal and comparing the actual ocPortal software relative to other things, ocPortal places further up relative to other "ocPortal" results than Composr does relative to other "Composr" results. This indicates to me ocPortal is a more organic name than Composr.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-01 19:58 PDStig New Issue
2025-02-01 19:58 PDStig Status Not Assigned => Assigned
2025-02-01 19:58 PDStig Assigned To => user4172
2025-02-01 19:58 PDStig Tag Attached: Risk: Major rearchitecting
2025-02-01 19:58 PDStig Tag Attached: Roadmap: Over the horizon
2025-02-02 07:11 Adam Edington Note Added: 0009797
2025-02-02 15:59 PDStig Note Added: 0009798