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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
4885Composr alpha bug reportsGeneral / Uncategorisedpublic2022-12-23 17:09
ReporterChris Graham Assigned ToPDStig  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary4885: General testing
DescriptionJust generally test the system, prior to us making our first beta release of v11.

Maybe start with just randomly charging through things, seeing for obvious breakage.
Then maybe start going through in a more careful methodical way, testing all the features as you go.
data/maintenance_status.csv also shows some things you can consider testing that are obscure- but only for things that are flagged with a sponsor.

We don't just want things to work, we also want things to be mobile-friendly, smooth, reasonably easy for a user to understand, etc.

I don't mind if you fix stuff as you go, or create issues, whatever works for you.
TagsRoadmap: v11 final phase
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related to 3383 AssignedPDStig Composr testing platform / automation goals Manual release testing for major releases (ongoing) 


Chris Graham

2022-11-30 00:48

administrator   ~7759

Last edited: 2022-12-23 17:08

Patrick mentioned maybe going through and testing as Guest too. I want to merge the v11_cloud branch before that happens.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-08-15 20:57 Chris Graham New Issue
2022-08-15 20:57 Chris Graham Tag Attached: Roadmap: v11 final phase
2022-08-15 20:57 Chris Graham Assigned To => user4172
2022-08-15 20:57 Chris Graham Status Not Assigned => Assigned
2022-08-15 21:54 Chris Graham Description Updated
2022-11-30 00:48 Chris Graham Note Added: 0007759
2022-12-23 17:08 Chris Graham Note Edited: 0007759
2022-12-23 17:09 Chris Graham Relationship added related to 3383
2023-02-26 18:29 Chris Graham Category General => General / Uncategorised