Reply to topic 'Composr 11 beta1 released!' (under PDStig's post)
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Another bug that may affect many of you… if you get Undefined array key "g_group_leader", apply this hotfix to your site: 0005798: Undefined array key group_leader - Composr CMS feature tracker (see comments on the issue)
EDIT: Having trouble applying hotfixes (no files extracted)? See 0005799: Hotfixes via upgrader extracted no files - Composr CMS feature tracker
EDIT: Having trouble applying hotfixes (no files extracted)? See 0005799: Hotfixes via upgrader extracted no files - Composr CMS feature tracker
Last edit: by PDStig
There is a small bug with the new Ranks tab on profiles.
To fix, see Too many END directives (6105075e) · Commits · Composr ecosystem / Composr · GitLab (you can download the new file from Gitlab and replace it in themes/default/templates, then in Admin Zone > Tools > Cleanup Tools, clear your Block cache and Template cache)
To fix, see Too many END directives (6105075e) · Commits · Composr ecosystem / Composr · GitLab (you can download the new file from Gitlab and replace it in themes/default/templates, then in Admin Zone > Tools > Cleanup Tools, clear your Block cache and Template cache)