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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
5687ComposrGeneral / Uncategorisedpublic2025-03-15 00:56
ReporterPDStig Assigned ToPDStig  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary5687: Addons to archive / remove from the codebase (ongoing)
DescriptionThe following is a list of non-bundled addons nominated for removal from Composr (and archiving), which have not yet been removed (comments will be made when addons have officially been removed), and why:

* composr_homesite_support_credits - With Composr switching to a Bazaar model instead of being governed / sponsored by a primary commercial entity, we no longer use support credits. This addon is to be replaced (renamed) with, "composr_homesite_tracker", which maintains the Mantis bug tracker but removes the support credits. Another addon, "composr_homesite_tracker_escrow", might be created to allow sponsoring of issues via escrowing points.

* challengr - This should instead be integrated into the bundled quizzes addon as an option on each quiz.

* calendar_from_6am - This could be integrated as a feature option in Composr (time boundaries, start and end)
Additional InformationPlease comment if you oppose the removal of any of these addons (and why), if you believe something should be added to the list (and why), or if you wish to sponsor the maintenance of an addon on this list so it can remain in Composr.

Removed addons will be archived at .
TagsRoadmap: ongoing, Roadmap: v11 partial implementation
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Sponsorship open


Date Added Member Amount Sponsored



2024-05-07 18:13

administrator   ~8755

Demonstratr has now been archived


2024-05-07 19:36

administrator   ~8756

I refactored the support credits functionality.

So now we have cms_homesite_tracker for just the tracker, and cms_homesite_support_credits for support credits functionality.

For the time being, I'm going to keep both in the Composr repository. I can think of a few use cases where someone may want to use cms_homesite_support_credits on their own site. And it isn't difficult to maintain.


2024-07-22 03:38

administrator   ~8854

Last edited: 2024-07-22 03:39

twitter_support has been removed/archived as of 11 beta1.

Chris Graham

2024-07-22 19:27

administrator   ~8859

Agreed with all this.

performance_compile - this also is pretty hacky. It's not worth the assumptions it makes that we would need to uphold. Ultimately team's need to fund better/more servers, or optimization work, rather than the core team trying to maintainy messy hacked solutions like this.

webdav - very sad, but the industry needs to stand up and fund things like SabreDav if it is to continue.

bantr - that's fine. A few of the addons were implemented by some crazy brainstorming we did back in the day in the office. The process of creating a a lot of these improved our non-bundled addon support and our API, but ultimately aren't actually very useful.

twitter_support - X doesn't deserve any special support in our ecosystem, especially since the recent changes. We should (and do) just support integration via Hybridauth. If people want better X support, they should fund better Hybridauth support (including getting our PR merged, which unfortunately the core team didn't have resources to do).


2024-07-25 01:08

administrator   ~8922

Added trickstr to the list of addons to be archived; see updated description


2024-07-26 18:33

administrator   ~8979

Trickstr has been archived / removed as of 11.beta1


2024-08-26 01:12

administrator   ~9253

This has been changed to an ongoing issue which will be listed on the maintenance status page.


2024-10-12 18:27

administrator   ~9458

Last edited: 2025-02-04 01:32

Removed WebDav from the list of addons for removal...

I checked and noticed it is, in fact, still being maintained. Latest version is 4.6.0; we have 4.1.0 in v11. Last commit was less than a month ago. They claim PHP 8 support.

Update: version 11 has been updated; WebDAV now works.


2025-01-05 00:08

administrator   ~9768

performance_compile has been archived as of 11 beta7.

The addon is virtually useless now that Composr compiles overrides in at runtime via the _compiled folder.


2025-01-13 21:38

administrator   ~9779

Last edited: 2025-01-13 21:38

simplified_emails has been archived as of 11 beta7.

With the introduction of business address (soon), un-subscribe link, and other CAN-SPAM requirements, we cannot effectively reduce mail much without removing elements required by CAN-SPAM policies (our e-mails are already quite minimalist). Furthermore, this addon interfered with HTML / plain-text mail consistency.

Webmasters can easily edit the MAIL templates if they want to reduce or otherwise customise templates.


2025-02-04 01:21

administrator   ~9799

Last edited: 2025-02-04 01:22

confluence has been archived as of 11 beta7.

At this time, there will not be a replacement addon to support the Cloud version as we are not aware of anyone using Confluence with Composr. Please comment if I am wrong and you are interested in sponsoring its development / maintenance.


2025-02-04 01:29

administrator   ~9800

SugarCRM has been archived as of 11 beta7.

None of my clients use it anymore, I don't know of anyone who uses it, there is no sponsorship / developers able to maintain it, and it was written for an old version of SugarCRM when it used to be Open Source (it's not Open Source anymore).


2025-02-04 02:19

administrator   ~9801

Bantr has been archived as of 11 beta7 (it should have been listed but somehow disappeared from this list).

While entertaining, it was more annoying than anything as most people don't know Monkey Island insults.


2025-02-04 02:22

administrator   ~9802

Last edited: 2025-02-04 02:23

I nominate challengr for removal / archiving:

To me, it makes no sense to have this as a non-bundled addon. We can easily incorporate its functionality into the quizzes addon natively (as an option on each quiz) and then remove the NB addon. Better yet, we can just have an "entrance fee" option on each quiz so it's not hard-coded to 50% of what you earn if you win.

Challengr just makes quizzes cost half the points of what you earn if you win / pass in order to take the quiz.

Please let me know your thoughts.


2025-02-04 02:38

administrator   ~9803

Also nominating calendar_from_6am for removal.

Just like challengr, this is functionality that seems like it should just be an option within Composr itself rather than a separate addon. We can add a feature option for defining a time range on the calendar view, and the calendar only uses that range unless events fall outside of it.


2025-03-07 22:32

administrator   ~9848

Last edited: 2025-03-07 22:32

Addon world_regions has been removed / archived as of Composr 11 beta7.

This version of Composr now includes, bundled, the PHP ISO Codes library / database for regions (necessary for parental controls). This renders world_regions obsolete.


2025-03-08 14:37

administrator   ~9851

Addon locations_catalogues archived in 11 beta7, although I'm hoping this will only be temporary.

This non-bundled addon no-longer works because of the changes in Composr's locations system (continents are not supported by the PHP ISO Codes library). It would take me a lot of time to fix this addon that I do not currently want to spend, especially given it's non-bundled.

So to keep the Composr codebase stable, I'm pulling this addon, but hopefully this will only be temporary.


2025-03-15 00:56

administrator   ~9876

Addon imap has been migrated from a non-bundled addon to a bundled addon (core_imap) as of version 11 beta8.

This is due to PHP 8.4 deprecating their IMAP extension (which was not maintained anyway).

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-10 00:57 PDStig New Issue
2024-04-10 00:57 PDStig Status Not Assigned => Assigned
2024-04-10 00:57 PDStig Assigned To => user4172
2024-04-10 00:58 PDStig Description Updated
2024-05-07 18:13 PDStig Note Added: 0008755
2024-05-07 19:36 PDStig Note Added: 0008756
2024-06-07 03:06 PDStig Relationship added has duplicate 5751
2024-06-07 03:07 PDStig Relationship deleted has duplicate 5751
2024-07-22 03:38 PDStig Note Added: 0008854
2024-07-22 03:38 PDStig Note Edited: 0008854
2024-07-22 03:39 PDStig Note Edited: 0008854
2024-07-22 03:39 PDStig Note Edited: 0008854
2024-07-22 19:21 Chris Graham Tag Attached: Roadmap: v11
2024-07-22 19:27 Chris Graham Note Added: 0008859
2024-07-25 01:08 PDStig Description Updated
2024-07-25 01:08 PDStig Note Added: 0008922
2024-07-26 18:33 PDStig Note Added: 0008979
2024-08-26 01:12 PDStig Product Version 11.alpha1 =>
2024-08-26 01:12 PDStig Summary Addons to archive / remove from the codebase => Addons to archive / remove from the codebase (ongoing)
2024-08-26 01:12 PDStig Note Added: 0009253
2024-08-26 01:15 PDStig Description Updated
2024-08-26 01:15 PDStig Additional Information Updated
2024-08-26 01:16 PDStig Tag Attached: Roadmap: Over the horizon
2024-08-26 01:16 PDStig Tag Detached: Roadmap: v11
2024-08-26 01:16 PDStig Tag Attached: Roadmap: v11 partial implementation
2024-08-26 01:16 PDStig Tag Attached: Roadmap: ongoing
2024-08-26 01:17 PDStig Tag Detached: Roadmap: Over the horizon
2024-10-12 18:26 PDStig Description Updated
2024-10-12 18:27 PDStig Note Added: 0009458
2025-01-05 00:08 PDStig Note Added: 0009768
2025-01-05 00:08 PDStig Description Updated
2025-01-13 21:38 PDStig Note Added: 0009779
2025-01-13 21:38 PDStig Note Edited: 0009779
2025-02-04 01:21 PDStig Note Added: 0009799
2025-02-04 01:21 PDStig Description Updated
2025-02-04 01:22 PDStig Note Edited: 0009799
2025-02-04 01:29 PDStig Note Added: 0009800
2025-02-04 01:30 PDStig Description Updated
2025-02-04 01:32 PDStig Note Edited: 0009458
2025-02-04 02:19 PDStig Note Added: 0009801
2025-02-04 02:22 PDStig Description Updated
2025-02-04 02:22 PDStig Note Added: 0009802
2025-02-04 02:22 PDStig Note Edited: 0009802
2025-02-04 02:23 PDStig Note Edited: 0009802
2025-02-04 02:38 PDStig Description Updated
2025-02-04 02:38 PDStig Note Added: 0009803
2025-03-07 22:32 PDStig Note Added: 0009848
2025-03-07 22:32 PDStig Note Edited: 0009848
2025-03-08 14:37 PDStig Note Added: 0009851
2025-03-15 00:56 PDStig Note Added: 0009876