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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
5258Composrcore_forum_driverspublic2023-02-09 18:38
ReporterPDStig Assigned ToGuest  
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary5258: SMF 2: Implement cookie login
DescriptionSMF 2 encodes a complex series of data into their cookies making it difficult and fragile to replicate in Composr's cookie system. It is currently not implemented for SMF 2 in Composr v11. Implement this when a stable solution can be used (perhaps consider SMF's SSI or REST API).

See create_login_cookie in smf2.php
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-01-26 17:37 PDStig New Issue
2023-02-09 18:38 Chris Graham Time estimation (hours) 2 => 6