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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
1429Composrticketspublic2022-07-24 21:23
ReporterChris Graham Assigned ToChris Graham  
Status closedResolutionwon't fix 
Summary1429: Google App Engine, support ticket email receipt
DescriptionGAE does not have IMAP support, but can receive emails via a web request.

Finish implementing the 'incoming_ticket_email_script' function, to pass received emails through as support tickets.

Additional InformationProbably wait until Google provide an API for decoding mime messages, or support the PHP Mailparse extension. Right now something like this would be needed:
That's a big dependency to add to Composr.
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child of 159 ClosedChris Graham Google AppEngine support 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-01 15:57 Chris Graham Category core => tickets
2022-07-24 21:23 Chris Graham Assigned To => Chris Graham
2022-07-24 21:23 Chris Graham Status Not Assigned => Closed
2022-07-24 21:23 Chris Graham Resolution open => won't fix