Composr 11 beta7 released

Version 11 beta7 has now been released. This version is a beta release of the next major version of Composr. Upgrading to this release is unrecommended for live sites; v10 sites.

To upgrade follow the steps in your website's http://mybaseurl/upgrader.php script. You will need to copy the URL of the attached file (created via the form below) during step 4.

A database upgrade is required for this release. Be sure to run step 6 ("Do a database upgrade") in the upgrader after step 4 and, if applicable, step 5.

Your upgrade to version 11 beta7

Make a Composr upgrader

You can generate an upgrader from any version of Composr to any other version. If you access this upgrade post via the version information box on your Admin Zone dashboard then we'll automatically know what version you're running. If you'd prefer though you can enter in your version number right here:

Required field *
* Required field
* Required field
* Required field

A change log is not available due to a technical issue. Please see this video for an overview of the changes and very important upgrade information.


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Composr 11 beta6 released