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Newest 10 Entries

Title Rich Media
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Comcode: Powerful but simple content-enrichment language.

Media embedding: Easily integrate/attach common video and image formats, as well as embeds for common sites such as YouTube (just by pasting in the URL).

Easily create cool effects: Create scrolling, rolling, randomisation, and hiding effects. Put content in boxes, split content across subpages. Create XHTML5 overlays. Place tooltips.

Customise your content for different usergroups

Create count-downs and hit counters

Automatic table of contents creation for your documents

Custom Comcode tags: Set up your own tags, to make it easy to maintain a sophisticated and consistent design as your site grows.

Embed pages within other pages

Title Design without barriers
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Full control of your vision: Control hundreds of settings. Strip Composr down. Reshape features as needed.

Full templating support: Reskin features to look however you want them to.

No navigation assumptions: Replace default page and structures as required.

No layout assumptions: Shift content between templates, totally breaking down any default layout assumptions.

Embed content entries of any type on your pages

Title Themeing tools
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Theme Wizard: Recolour your CSS and theme images in just a few clicks (Composr picks the perfect complementary palette and automatically makes 100's of CSS and image changes)

Logo Wizard: Generate a basic logo for use on your site

Built-in template and CSS editing tools

Interactive CSS editor: Quickly identify what to change and preview.

Title Administration Zone
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Dashboard: View a checklist of things that need done, software upgrade information, latest Composr news, posts in the staff forum, staff notes, useful links, and more.

Audit: View logs and statistics of just about anything with the site and Composr system.

Site statistics: View comprehensive graphs and statistics across a wide range of metrics. Set your own KPIs and get notified when they are reached.

Security: Control site access (including IP bans), privileges, members / usergroups, and word filters.

Structure: Manage and upgrade addons, define zones, configure chatrooms and forums, manage menus, create redirects, and edit the sitemap.

Style: Whitelist the software, manage emoticons, manage themes / run the theme wizard, run the logo wizard, and translate / rephrase the software.

Setup: Set a wide variety of options for your site depending on what addons you have installed.

Tools: Run full or incremental backups, scan for broken URLs, clear the cache or run optimisation tools, edit the code, run Commandr, run the upgrader, run health checks, import content from another site, make and send newsletters, run server checks and view PHP info, run privacy purging or downloading, send an e-mail through the software, and view Composr contributors

Content: Manage all of your content for your site

Help: Search across the site or the tutorials for something

Conflict detection: Detect when multiple staff are trying to change the same thing at the same time.

Examine action logs: See exactly who has done what and when

Commandr: Optional use of a powerful command-line environment (for Unix geeks). Use unix-like tools to explore and manage your database as it if was a filesystem, and perform general maintenance tasks.

Aggregate content types: Design complex content relationships, cloning out large structures in a single operation.

Content versioning: See revisions of certain content

Title Website Polls
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Integrate polls into your website: Gauge visitor opinion.

Community involvement: Users can submit polls and comment and rate them.

Multiple polls: Showcase different polls on different areas of your website.

Archive the data from unlimited polls

Title Community features
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User content submission: Allow users to submit to any area of your site. Optionally enable validation so staff must approve the content before it goes live.

Public awards: Give public awards to your choice of “best content”

Per-usergroup privileges: Give special members access to extra features, like file storage

Recommend: Visitors can recommend your website or a page to other visitors. Control who can specify their own custom message and those who must use the default (spam prevention).

Members can report content to you for review via "Report This" links (which creates a Support Ticket with a copy of the content at the time of reporting). You can also turn validation off for content to hide it after a certain number of reports.

Title Chatrooms and IM
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Make unlimited chatrooms each with your choice of access restrictions.

Moderation: Moderate messages and ban troublesome users.

Integrate shout-boxes into your website

Instant messaging: Members may have IM conversations with each other, or in groups. Members receive an archive of the conversation in Private Topics once closed.

Site-wide IM: Give your members the ability to pick up conversations anywhere on your site.

Sound effects: Members may configure or upload their own.

Download chatroom logs

Blocking: Choose to appear offline to certain members.

Allow members in certain usergroups to make their own chatrooms, and control when they expire based on inactivity time.

Title Points
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So many ways to earn points: From submitting different content to logging in, you control the economy.

Integration with eCommerce: Members can buy advertising space, temporary privileges, gamble, and more! Members can also use points for store discounts.

Send points: Members can send each other points to reward each other

Escrow points: Members can escrow points with a written agreement in exchange for a product or service. The recipient does not receive the points until both members satisfy the escrow. Escrows can be disputed to staff.

Gift points: Enable the gift points balance so members can send a limited amount of points to other members without it deducting from their spendable points balance.

Leader board: Create some community competition by showing who has the most points or who earned the most points for a configurable time interval

Auditing: View every points transaction that has taken place, and reverse any of them, in the points ledger.

Profiles: Browse through member points profiles, and see what virtual gifts members have been given.

Ranks: Create usergroup promotion ladders with rank points; members rank up as their rank points increase. Members can view their rank and unlocked / unlockable privileges on their profile.

Title Conversr Topic Polls
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Conduct a poll on a forum topic to gather user opinions and feedback

Add unlimited choices

Define a range of acceptable number of choices on which members can vote

Control when voting is open or closed

Control if guests can vote or if you must log in

Require making a post (reply) in the topic when voting

Allow (or deny) the ability for members to revoke / change their vote

Show or hide results from the public

Enable viewing of which members voted on which choices

Add a date/time voting automatically closes

Enable weighted voting through the points system

Enforce topic poll options on a forum basis including defining default or required choices

Title Content Sharing
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Show topics on your website through blocks

Comment integration: New topics appear in the ‘comments’ forum as you add content to your website. Members can watch these topics so they never miss an addition to your website.

Top 10 Entries

Website Legends of Nor'Ova
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Short Description Legends of Nor'Ova is a website / database based on the table-top role-playing game of the same name. It contains Wiki+ pages and catalogues with a vast amount of knowledge regarding the game and its resources. It features a customized theme / templates. And it has a community for people to discuss the game.
Website Super Tilted
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Short Description Super Tilted is a team of pinball enthusiasts who develop original digital pinball tables for the Visual Pinball X platform. This website showcases their releases and ongoing (public) projects. All tables are free to download. And people can request to join the team.

This site has some secret sauce behind the scenes: a custom block for Scorbit leader-boards (pinball scores), and some webhooks to alert the team in their Discord of certain site activity. It also takes advantage of the Support Tickets e-mail integration and using zones for "sub-sites" for each released pinball table.
Question Can I move a Wiki+ page?
Answer Technically, Wiki+ pages cannot be moved because they don't have a fixed location within the network structure. Creating child links forms a path, not a strict hierarchy. However, you can manipulate the breadcrumbs by ensuring only one path leads to a page.
Question Can I track changes made to Wiki+ pages?
Answer Yes, Wiki+ includes a revision history feature accessible through the page edit screen. This feature allows you to view a log of edits, see changes highlighted in tooltips, and revert to previous versions of a page as needed.
Question How can I view the complete tree structure of my Wiki+?
Answer You can access a view of the complete Wiki+ tree structure through the designated option in the admin panel. However, it's important to note that this view will reflect guest access permissions. Some pages may be hidden if they are restricted to specific user groups.
Question What moderation tools are available in Wiki+?
Answer Wiki+ offers several features to help you moderate user contributions and maintain the quality of information:
  • Email Notifications: When a new post is submitted, an email notification is sent to the designated staff address, alerting you to new contributions.
  • Permissions Control: You can configure permissions to determine whether regular users can create new pages or only contribute through posts.
  • Page History: The revision history feature allows you to track edits made to pages and revert to previous versions if necessary.
  • Composr Moderation Tools: Wiki+ integrates with Composr's site-wide moderation features, providing additional tools for monitoring and managing user contributions.
Question Can users contribute content to Wiki+?
Answer Yes, users can contribute content to Wiki+ through posts. When the "Show posts" option is enabled for a page, users can add their insights and information as posts below the main page content.
Question What are orphaned pages and how should I handle them?
Answer Orphaned pages are pages that exist within the Wiki+ database but are not linked to the main tree structure. These pages are not accessible through the tree navigation but can still be reached through direct links or cross-linking.

Orphaned pages are not necessarily problematic. They can be intentional if you prefer to link pages using the wiki-style syntax instead of a rigid tree hierarchy. You have the flexibility to choose the linking method that best suits your content organization.
Question How can I create and organize pages in Wiki+?
Answer Pages in Wiki+ can be created in several ways:
  • Referencing them in the child-list of an existing page.
  • Using the special Comcode syntax [[pagename]] to create inline links, which automatically generates new pages when accessed.
  • Utilizing the "Edit tree" button visible on Wiki+ pages to add child pages directly.
The tree structure can be easily manipulated through the same interface, allowing you to arrange pages in a hierarchy that suits your needs.
Question How does Wiki+ differ from a regular wiki?
Answer While Wiki+ shares similarities with traditional wikis, it provides two key distinctions:
  • Optional Post Contributions: Wiki+ allows users to contribute short snippets of information (posts) directly on pages, enriching the content without formally editing the page itself. This feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled as needed.
  • Optional Tree Structure: Unlike standard wikis that rely solely on cross-linking, Composr's Wiki+ offers the flexibility of organizing pages within a hierarchical tree structure. This structure can be used in conjunction with or as an alternative to cross-linking.